On site Projects

GREEN BOOTS supports projects on site to protect rainforests. Our aim is to preserve and promote biodiversity, to mitigate climate change and to secure the livelihoods of indigenous people.

We work together with small, local partner organizations that know the regional context. The local population is always involved in our projects and helps to shape them in a participatory manner and according to their needs.

Current Projects

Indigenous peoples protect the rainforest

The rainforest along the Rio Pastaza in the Ecuadorian Amazon is highly endangered. As a result, the livelihood of the indigenous Achuar peoples is also disappearing. By investing in sustainable community development, the Achuar have a perspective in the forest and remain on site to preserve their homeland.

Find out more about our project

Fighting forest fires on Borneo

Extreme drought due to climate change, unsustainable agricultural practices and decades of drainage of swamp rainforests are the main causes of forest fires in Borneo. With a comprehensive firefighting strategy, we can protect and restore Borneo's unique rainforests.

Find out how we can stop forest fires

Forest patrols against poaching

Forest patrols protect the tropical rainforests on the island of Borneo from poachers and illegal loggers. This is urgently needed because Borneo's rainforests are under serious threat. If current deforestation rates continue, only 20 percent of the island will be covered by forest by 2030. As a result, species will become extinct and the climate will be further exacerbated.

Learn more about the forest patrols

Planting trees for wildlife corridors

A hundred years ago, Borneo was largely covered in forest. Since then, the island has undergone massive change: Rainforests have been cleared and converted to other forms of land use. In the last 40 years alone, 30 percent of Borneo's forests have been destroyed. Time to plant trees and create a future worth living.

Help plant wildlife corridors