Membership & Donations

What your donation will do

30 CHF

Help plant trees!

On Borneo, fragmented areas of rainforests are being reconnected by planting trees. These tree plantations are carried out exclusively by indigenous Dayak people. They have set up their own small tree nurseries and plant the trees around their villages. Support the Dayak in planting trees. Donate 30 francs and finance 20 seedlings.

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50 CHF

Support forest patrols on Borneo in the fight against poaching!

The forest patrols serve as a deterrent to poachers and loggers. They also destroy wildlife traps and record sightings of endangered species. Successes are measurable: since the start of the program in 2016, the loss of forest area in the project region has decreased by 77%. Donate 50 CHF for the equipment for a patrol team.

Donate now
80 CHF

Help the indigenous Achuar to stay in the forest!

Rainforest areas managed by indigenous communities are best protected from overexploitation. Accompany the Achuar on their way to a self-determined and contemporary life and work in the forest so that they can continue to preserve their homeland. Donate 80 francs and finance a dry toilet for the education center!

Donate now
120 CHF

Stop the drainage of the peat swamp rainforests on Borneo!

The canals illegally built decades ago to remove felled timber are still draining the protected peat swamp rainforest in Sebangau National Park today. The construction of dams along the canals will restore the species-rich habitat, reduce the risk of forest fires and actively protect the climate. Donate 120 CHF for the construction of a dam.

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Thanks to the support of numerous people and institutions, we have been able to achieve a lot for the rainforests. 

Click here for our supporters.