Education center for the Achuar in Ecuador

Help protect the Amazon rainforest by enabling the indigenous Achuar in Ecuador to lead a self-determined life in the forest. Because where they are at home, there are still intact forests.

Together with the Achuar, we build a traditional-style education center that can be used for all kinds of meetings, workshops, cultural performances and sustainable tourism.

Support our current project in Ecuador

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Area: Ecuador, Pastaza and Morona Santiago provinces

Start of project support: 2024

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The lives of indigenous peoples have changed

The former way of life of the indigenous peoples of Amazonia as hunters, gatherers and fishermen is no longer possible in many regions. The natural resources for subsistence in the catchment area of the villages have been largely plundered. Large areas of forest have been destroyed by unprofitable cattle farming. Near the roads, the forest has been sold to timber companies.

Indigenous peoples are increasingly migrating to the cities due to a lack of prospects in the forest. This rural exodus is being exacerbated by strong population growth and the influence of Western civilization. But without education, the indigenous people cannot find work in the cities and live in poverty.

At the same time, the rural exodus is also endangering the rainforest. Various studies confirm that rainforest areas managed by indigenous communities are best protected from overexploitation. By enabling the Achuar to live and work in the forest in a modern way, they can preserve their homeland and thus the forest.

Previous activities

GREEN BOOTS has been supporting the Achuar in the project region since 2020 with training in vegetable cultivation and chicken farming for self-sufficiency. In 2023, we supported the village communities in building a new water supply and repairing an existing drinking water system. Now the next project is to be implemented, which will further advance sustainable community development and offer people long-term prospects in the forest.

The aim of the new project is to build a traditional house in the Kapawari community, which will serve as a multi-purpose educational center.

Use of the education center

The education center in Kapawari is intended to serve three main purposes:

  • Use of the education center by around 1,500 Achuar from neighboring villages for training courses on various topics relevant to sustainable community development as well as for clan meetings of various village communities.
  • Use of the education center by national and international universities with their lecturers and students for seminars, projects and research.
  • Use of the education center for private visitors, who can enjoy very individual and sustainable tourism in small groups (2 to 12 people). The building is used for catering but also for the presentation of indigenous traditions.

Benefits for the Achuar and the rainforest

  • Meeting and training place for the Achuar from surrounding villages.
  • Work and income for the Achuar from moderate tourism on a community basis as an alternative to the exploitation of the rainforest.
  • Protection of the 75,000 ha of intact rainforest that belongs to the Achuar with land titles.
Bau eines traditionellen Daches mit Palmwedeln, Sicht von unten

Equipment of the education center

  • Traditional building made of wood, bamboo and palm fronds.
  • A large, well-equipped kitchen for catering for visitors from neighboring villages as part of meetings (which can be well over 100 people) as well as for catering for scientists and small tourist groups.
  • Running water, solar power and separate dry toilets for modern use.
Baupläne für das geplante Bildungszentrum in Kapawari.

The Achuar need your help!

The Achuar are doing the shell of the building themselves. But for the cost-intensive interior work and the solar system, they need professional craftsmen from the city and money for the materials. They need your support. Help with your donation!

The Achuar peoples in Ecuador

The territory in the project area belongs to the Achuar peoples with state-recognized legal title. The Achuar are part of the Jibaro ethnic group, which also includes the Shuar. There are currently around 20,000 Achuar living in Ecuador and Peru. In Ecuador, around 8,000 Achuar live in the provinces of Pastaza and Morona Santiago on both sides of the Rio Pastaza.

In the course of land surveying, the Ecuadorian state forced the Amazonian peoples to form villages with unrelated families, which has led to serious conflicts within the villages to this day. Some large villages today have 300 to 800 inhabitants.

Traditionally, the Achuar settled in clans spread across the forest. This form of settlement still exists today. It is much more conducive to peace and healthy development. The villages, which have an average of 60 inhabitants from newborns to great-grandmothers, have huge adjoining forest areas. Tuna in our project area, for example, is one such clan village and has over 30,000 hectares of intact rainforest, while the neighboring communities of Kapawari and Tsekuntsa have 75,000 and 15,000 hectares respectively. These are also the villages we are currently working with.